WhyNut Mung beans are from the legume family. Due to their high protein content, they are an important and integral part of many Asian dishes and are also used in vegetarian cuisine. The seeds are eaten cooked or raw in the form of sprouts. They contain natural protease inhibitors, vitamins B and C, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, fiber and proteins.


ABOUT THE PRODUCT : WhyNut mung beans are from the legume family. Due to their high protein content, they are an important and integral part of many Asian dishes and are also used in vegetarian cuisine. The seeds are consumed cooked or raw in the form of sprouts. They contain natural protease inhibitors, vitamins B and C, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, fiber and proteins.

HOW TO USE: Cook over low heat for 40 to 50 minutes, or until the grains are tender. You can also add other vegetables or meat.

NET WEIGHT: 800g ± 5g

INGREDIENTS: 100% mung beans.

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in a dry, dark and cool place, in tightly closed packaging. The temperature should be 13 °C ± 3 °C and the maximum temperature should be 50% or less. It is best to use by the date printed on the packaging. Opened packages can be kept for up to 2 months when stored in the refrigerator.

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Republic of Uzbekistan


NUTRITION INFORMATION Approximate Value Per 100g
Energy (kcal) 1
Dry matter (%) 1
Proteins (%) 1
Total fat (%) 1
Ash (%) 1
Crude fiber (%) 1
Carbohydrate (%) 1