WhyNut Red lentils are a legume that contains almost no fat but is an excellent source of fiber and protein. They also contain numerous vitamins and minerals. You can use them to make creamy soups, stews or salads, purees or delicious sauces. It can also be used as a meat substitute in a vegan diet.


ABOUT THE PRODUCT : WhyNut Red lentils are a legume that contains almost no fat but is an excellent source of fiber and protein. They also contain numerous vitamins and minerals. You can use them to prepare creamy soups, stews or salads, purees or delicious sauces. It can also be used as a meat substitute in a vegan diet.

HOW TO USE: Cook over low heat for 20 to 30 minutes, or until the grains are tender. You can also add other vegetables or meat.

NET WEIGHT: 800g ± 5g

INGREDIENTS: 100% red lentils.

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in a dry, dark and cool place, in tightly closed packaging. The temperature should be 13 °C ± 3 °C and the maximum temperature should be 50% or less. It is best to use by the date printed on the packaging. Opened packages can be kept for up to 2 months when stored in the refrigerator.

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Republic of Uzbekistan


NUTRITION INFORMATION Approximate Value Per 100g
Energy (kcal) 1
Dry matter (%) 1
Proteins (%) 1
Total fat (%) 1
Ash (%) 1
Crude fiber (%) 1
Carbohydrate (%) 1