WhyNut Yellow split peas belong to the legume family. Peas are shelled and split in half. Yellow split peas have a pale yellow color, a mild flavor and a soft texture. They are very nutritious - rich in protein and fiber.


ABOUT THE PRODUCT : WhyNut Yellow split peas belong to the legume family. Peas are shelled and split in half. Yellow split peas have a pale yellow color, mild flavor and soft texture. They are highly nutritious - rich in protein and fiber.

HOW TO USE: Cook over low heat for 30 to 45 minutes, or until the grains are tender. You can also add other vegetables or meat.

NET WEIGHT: 800g ± 5g

INGREDIENTS: 100% Yellow Peas (half).

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in a dry, dark and cool place, in tightly closed packaging. The temperature should be 13 °C ± 3 °C and the maximum temperature should be 50% or less. It is best to use by the date printed on the packaging. Opened packages can be kept for up to 2 months when stored in the refrigerator.

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Republic of Uzbekistan


NUTRITION INFORMATION Approximate Value Per 100g
Energy (kcal) 1
Dry matter (%) 1
Proteins (%) 1
Total fat (%) 1
Ash (%) 1
Crude fiber (%) 1
Carbohydrate (%) 1