WhyNut Cocoa Powder is made from cocoa beans that come from the plant Theobroma cacao L. Cocoa powder is mainly used as a flavoring in cookies, ice cream, milk drinks and cakes. It can be used to make a facial mask. It is a natural way to get rid of acne and improve skin moisture.


ABOUT THE PRODUCT : WhyNut Cocoa Powder is made from cocoa beans that come from the Theobroma cacao L plant . Cocoa powder is mainly used as a flavoring in cookies, ice cream, milk drinks and cakes. It can be used to make a facial mask. It is a natural way to get rid of acne and improve skin moisture.

NET WEIGHT: 150g ± 2g

INGREDIENTS: 100% ground cocoa beans (no additives, no sugar).

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in a dry, dark and cool place, in tightly closed packaging. It is best to use by the date printed on the packaging.

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Republic of Uzbekistan


NUTRITION INFORMATION Approximate Value Per 100g
Energy (kcal) 1
Dry matter (%) 1
Proteins (%) 1
Total fat (%) 1
Ash (%) 1
Crude fiber (%) 1
Carbohydrate (%) 1