WhyNut Ground black pepper is one of the most commonly used spices in cooking. It is used in sauces, marinades, on grilled dishes and uncooked vegetables, as well as in salads and prepared dishes. In general, it is used to improve the taste of all salty dishes and goes well with garlic, paprika and red onions. In the cuisines of the Far East, the combination of pepper and cinnamon is loved.


ABOUT THE PRODUCT : WhyNut Ground black pepper is one of the most commonly used spices in cooking. It is used for sauces, marinades, for grilled dishes and uncooked vegetables, as well as for salads and prepared meals. In general, it is used to enhance the taste of all salty dishes and goes well with garlic, paprika and red onions. In the cuisines of the Far East, the combination of pepper and cinnamon is loved.

NET WEIGHT: 150g ± 2g 

INGREDIENTS: 100% Black Pepper (ground).

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in a dry, dark and cool place, in tightly closed packaging. It is best to use by the date printed on the packaging.

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Republic of Uzbekistan


NUTRITION INFORMATION Approximate Value Per 100g
Energy (kcal) 1
Dry matter (%) 1
Proteins (%) 1
Total fat (%) 1
Ash (%) 1
Crude fiber (%) 1
Carbohydrate (%) 1