PEANUTS – roasted, Shell

PEANUTS – roasted, Shell



PRODUCT INFORMATION: Peanuts roasted in Shell are an excellent source of calories for when you crave a tasty, but filling snack. Thay are naturally high in good fats and protein and containing significant quantities of vitamins.

TYPE OF USE: Peanuts can be consumed as a snack. They are also rich in fiber, niacin, B vitamins (especially vitamin B6), pantothenic acid and, above all, minerals. In fact, it provid us with phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and zinc.

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Republic of Uzbekistan

PACKAGING: cardboard boxes or bags of 5kg, 10kg, 20kg

NUTRITION INFORMATION Approximate Value Per 100g
Energy (kcal) 599
Dry matter (%) /
Proteins (%) 28.03
Total fat (%) 52.5
Ash (%) /
Crude fiber (%) 9.4
Carbohydrate (%) 15.26